Cover Photo: Tallulah Pomeroy
Tallulah Pomeroy

The Grooming of the Bride

“You’ll feel like a baby,” she said. But I didn’t want to feel like a baby.

Body Work: Beauty and Self Image in American Culture


A Burst of Light: Living with Cancer

Health and Ritual in Morocco: Conceptions of the Body and Healing Practices,

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Tracy O'Neill is the author of The Hopeful (2015) and Quotients (2020). She was a 2015 National Book Foundation 5 Under 35 honoree and a 2012 Center for Fiction Fellow. Her writing has appeared in Granta, Rolling Stone, The Atlantic, the New Yorker, LitHub, BOMB, Narrative, Guernica, Bookforum, Vice, VQR, Austin Chronicle, and Catapult. She attended the MFA program at the City College of New York and the PhD program in communications at Columbia University.