Cover Photo: Photograph courtesy of the author
Photograph courtesy of the author

An Autistic Girl’s Guide to Horses

Learning I was autistic gave me insight into my childhood fixations and hurts, into how those things have stayed with me over the decades.

ba-Dumba-Dumba-Dumba-Dumbrrrum, brrrum, brrrum

What I Want to Talk About: How Autistic Special Interests Shape a LifeBack to the Future

Misty of ChincoteagueBlack Beauty,



boom, boom, boom, boom

coursea lot of horse

Air Leroy

This will be you one day


ba-da-Bum, ba-da-Bum!


ba-dum, ba-dumba-dum, ba-dum.

Katie is an author, speaker, an expert on mental disability. She is autistic and has bipolar disorder. She's the author of more than fifteen books that center mental disability, an eclectic mix, including an IPPY-award-winning series of romantic suspense novels and four essay collections on mental health and trauma (two of which won national awards). After earning her master's from the Johns Hopkins Writing Seminars, she earned her law degree and doctorate in rhetoric. She works toward accessibility for everyone. A professor of writing, she lives in Chapel Hill, NC, with her family and horses.