Cover Photo: photograph of Taeyeon in a long-sleeved burnt sienna dress against a dark blue background, head tilted to her left, eyes downcast, one arm extended up, hand resting on the back of her head
Photograph via SM/Dreamus

Dear Taeyeon, It’s Okay Not to Be Okay

Giaae Kwon on Taeyeon, living with depression and suicidal thinking, and how she cares for herself by caring for others—including GomSom, her beloved dogs.

This is From a K-pop Fan, With Love, a column by Giaae Kwon about her K-pop obsessions, past and present.

I hope Taeyeon is doing okay.

The Night Before Christmas

This is what I am going through




a lot


Giaae Kwon is always hungry. Her writing has also appeared in The Rumpus, Buzzfeed Reader, and elsewhere, and she writes the Substack I Love You, Egg. She lives in Brooklyn.