Cover Photo: An image of Tiffany Young for one of her solo albums
Photograph via Transparent Arts

Dear Tiffany, What Does It Mean to be ‘Korean Enough’?

In pretty much every K-pop group, there is the designated One From America.

Do you think they even know what that is?



You Quiz on the Block

Eh, to hell with it

Am I doing this right? What am I missing? How much will Koreans judge me and think I’m a screwup for not knowing how to make kimchi? Am I not Korean enough?

Does it matter if I’m doing this “wrong”? What does “wrong” even mean? And, if there is a “wrong” way to make kimchi and I’m doing it wrong, so what?

Giaae Kwon is always hungry. Her writing has also appeared in The Rumpus, Buzzfeed Reader, and elsewhere, and she writes the Substack I Love You, Egg. She lives in Brooklyn.