Cover Photo: Teeth caps being shaped by a dentist
Photograph by Elena Mozhvilo/Unsplash

You Are as Strong as Your Teeth

Strength is as transmissible as brown eyes, an ability to curl the tongue, a gap in the teeth.

This is Demibone, a column by Ghinwa Jawhari that explores the stories our teeth tell.







Ghinwa Jawhari is a Lebanese-American writer, educator, and dentist based in Brooklyn, New York. Born to Druze parents in Cleveland, Ohio, she was frequently suspended between the Midwest and Middle East. 

Her debut chapbook 'BINT' was selected by Aria Aber as winner of the Own Voices Chapbook Prize, and is now available from Radix Media. She is a 2021 Margins Fellow at the Asian American Writers' Workshop, where she is dissecting Phoenician and Lebanese tradition and identity.