Cover Photo: A Health Blog/flickr
A Health Blog/flickr

The Future of Traumatic Memories

Notes on surviving a terrorist bombing.


that was a very little bomb.

The New York TimesIndia on Alert as Bomb Hits Hindu Holy City

la mémoirele souvenirLa mémoireLe souvenir

Le traumale traumatismeMémoire et Traumatisme: l’individu et la fabrique des grands récitssouvenir



notréseau de contrôle


Lucie Bonvalet is a writer, a visual artist, and an MFA student in nonfiction at Portland State University. She is a frequent participant in Portland’s OuLiPo reading series, 1000 words, and her writing appears or is forthcoming in Hobart, Word Riot, Women in Clothes (edited by Sheila Heti, Leanne Shapton and Heidi Julavits) and Café Globulot, a French art & culture zine. Her drawings and paintings can be found at: