Cover Photo: In this color photograph, a person stares into their reflection in a window with a look of defiance.
Photograph by Alexei Maridashvili/Unsplash

On Writing Into Your Fears and Anxieties

We as people, especially those of us with anxiety disorders, spend a great deal of time playing the “what if” game. We are, in a way, already playing with fiction. Why not channel our imaginations and extend our “what ifs” to the page?

This is a craft prompt. This exercise isn’t meant to be therapeutic, so if at any point, you start to feel anxious, distressed, or triggered, please take a step back and care for yourself.

I Keep My Exoskeletons to Myself



Marisa Crane is a writer, basketball player, and sweatpants enthusiast. Their work has appeared or is forthcoming in Joyland, No Tokens, TriQuarterly, Passages North, Florida Review, Catapult, Lit Hub, The Rumpus, and elsewhere. An attendee of the Tin House Workshop and Bread Loaf Writers' Conference, they live in San Diego with their wife and child. They are the author of the novel, I Keep My Exoskeletons to Myself (January 17, 2023, Catapult).