Cover Photo: Illustration by Meryl Rowin for Catapult
Illustration by Meryl Rowin for Catapult

The Rhythms We Keep Since My Mother’s Stroke

The slight din of the television on TVLand from her room made its way toward the kitchen where Curtis and I sat, trying to figure out how this was all going to go. How everything had changed.

Watching Daddy during the months between Mama’s first hospitalization, the rehabilitation facility merry-go-round, and finally coming home, I understood for the first time what it meant to live your partner’s rhythms.



DéLana R.A. Dameron is a writer and arts + culture strategist. She founded Red Olive Creative Consulting and Black Art Futures Fund, a philanthropic fund that supports small Black arts organizations. She divides her time between Columbia, SC and Brooklyn, NY.  @delana_writes