Cover Photo: Art by Isabelle Laureta for Catapult
Art by Isabelle Laureta for Catapult

Mae and Me

The two years after Daniel’s disappearance felt like a decade. My colleagues and students couldn’t decide whether to treat me like a widow or divorcée. Mae treated me like neither.

His body would have floated to the surface by now


It’s open

Anna Vangala Jones is an Assistant Fiction Editor at Lunch Ticket and Editorial Assistant on the Fiction team at Split Lip Magazine. Her fiction has appeared or is forthcoming in Catapult, Berkeley Fiction Review, The MacGuffin, New Flash Fiction Review, and Pidgeonholes, among others. Her stories have placed in contests at Glimmer Train, American Short Fiction, Ruminate, and elsewhere. Born in India, she was raised in Pennsylvania, taught English and Creative Writing in NYC, and now lives in California with her family. Find her online at and @anniejo_17.