Cover Photo: Illustration by Lindsay Stripling for Catapult
Illustration by Lindsay Stripling for Catapult

How a Picasso Painting Helped Me Move Past Numbness After Trauma

I had not been erased by the violence I’d suffered, but was changed by it. A new, difficult layer had been added to my life.

The Tragedy

The Tragedy

The Tragedy. La CorridaBullfighting Scene (The Victims)

The Tragedy,

The Tragedy

The Tragedy

The Tragedy

The Tragedy

The TragedyThe Tragedy

The TragedyThe Tragedy’s The Tragedy

The Tragedy

Jennifer Marie Donahue’s work has appeared or is forthcoming in Flyway: Journal of Writing and Environment, Grist: A Journal of the Literary Arts, The Rumpus, Pidgeonholes, Yalobusha Review, JMWW, So to Speak!, and other fine places. She currently lives in Massachusetts. You can find her online at: