Cover Photo: Tallulah Pomeroy
Tallulah Pomeroy

Bad Genes: On Fertility and Disability Rights

Living with an unquiet mind is like living with a noisy, restless, anxious human who tugs on your sleeve for attention.

There are over forty million mentally ill people in the United States. I am one of them. To be crazy—to live, as I do, with an unquiet mind—in a culture that hates you for it is, in a sense, a minefield. Particularly when mental illness is not the only disability that inhabits your life. In this explosive-strewn landscape of disablism, you never quite know when you are going to step on something that will explode in your face.

Oxford English Dictionary

s.e. smith is a National Magazine Award-winning Northern California-based writer who has appeared in The Guardian, Rolling Stone, Esquire, Bitch Magazine, and numerous other fine publications.