Rob Tyler

Profile Photo

By day I’m an earth and planetary scientists. I specialize in dynamics—the study of motion—and I do this from a quite motionless posture in a windowless office at a NASA center. (I have to waive my arms periodically to dispute the assessments of the motion sensors controlling the lights.) I ply professionally through tedious calculations to better understand the tides in Europa’s ocean, the jets on Jupiter, and, most endearingly, the drastically irreversible effects of our short-sighted, monkey-ass antics on this planet.


Cover Photo: Every New Moon by Rob Tyler
Every New Moon

Do you want to save the world? Do you believe terrorism, if thoughtfully directed at the wicked and greedy, can be a good thing? Do you want to participate in dangerous, clandestine operations without sacrificing romance, good grammar, and community? Then you may already be a member of Global Awareness In Action—GAIA! Come join the movie we’re making. Wake up and play!

Mar 27, 2018