Rachel Heng

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Rachel Heng is the author of Suicide Club, which was published by Henry Holt (US) and Sceptre (UK) in July 2018, and will be translated  in eight countries. Her fiction has received a Pushcart Prize Special Mention, Prairie Schooner's Jane Geske Award, and has been featured by the Huffington Post, ELLE, The Rumpus and NYLON. Short stories she’s written have appeared or are forthcoming  in Glimmer Train, The Offing, Prairie Schooner, The Adroit Journal, the minnesota review and elsewhere. Rachel is currently a James A. Michener Fellow at the Michener Center for Writers, UT Austin.


Cover Photo: Cindy Tang via Unsplash
You Bet Your Life: ‘Death Bonds,’ the Investments That Want You Dead

When a new drug regime gave him a renewed lease of life, Morrison began to receive irate calls from the investor who’d bought over his insurance policies.

Aug 02, 2018