Moyosore Orimoloye

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Moyosore Orimoloye is a poet and writer from Akure, Nigeria. His poems have been featured in several literary magazines including The Ilanot Review, Transition, Republic, The Kalahari Review, Brittle Paper, Afridiaspora and Arts and Africa. His poem, "Love is a Plot Device and your Insecticide is Not" co-won the Babishai Niwe Poetry Award in 2016 and his chapbook of poems, Love is a Plot Device, was published in 2019. He is currently a doctoral student at the University of Minnesota. 


Cover Photo: "Helpers of destiny; an odd phrase, considering that a destiny, by definition, is that which cannot be helped." Moyosore Orimoloye's short story "An Exercise in Paranoia":
An Exercise in Paranoia

The prayer for air safety then begins to taxi to a halt: “Charge your angels, oh Lord, to escort the plane from take-off to landing.”