Jenessa Abrams

Instructor & Writer
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Jenessa Abrams is a writer, literary translator, and practitioner of Narrative Medicine. Her fiction, literary criticism, and creative non-fiction has appeared in publications such as The Atlantic, Tin House, Electric Literature, Guernica, BOMB Magazine, and elsewhere. She has been awarded fellowships and grants from MacDowell, the Ucross Foundation, the Norman Mailer Center, the Vermont Studio Center, the New York Public Library, and Columbia University, where she earned her MFA in fiction and literary translation. Currently, she teaches writing in the Narrative Medicine Program at Columbia University.


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Cover Photo: This photograph shows a person with painted nails holding up a photograph of three young girls standing and smiling at the camera. The picture is black and white. In the background, we see a chainlink fence and a building with turquoise window shutters.
Reconfigure Your Memories

We build memories from these narratives. Classes instructor Jenessa Abrams wants you to try changing your story with this two-part writing prompt.

Aug 23, 2022