Cover Photo: This photograph shows someone holding up an old slide photograph to a window. In the slide, we see two older folks standing side-by-side in a posed picture next to a bed of climbing pink flowers.
Photograph by Gemma Evans/Unsplash

Writing Autofiction

In this writing prompt from instructor Frances Badalamenti, take something from your own life and fictionalize from there.

A Manual for Cleaning WomenMy Struggle

Step One

Step Two

Step Three

If you enjoyed this exercise, check out Frances’ upcoming autofiction workshop that begins this January. (Class is currently full, but you can click the “Notify Me” button to be added to the waitlist and to be informed when Fraces relists.)

Frances Badalamenti is the author of the novels, I Don't Blame You (2019) and Salad Days (2021). Some of her shorter work can be found at The New Yorker, The Believer Magazine, BOMB Magazine, Longreads and elsewhere. She teaches writing workshops and also works individually as a mentor for writers. Frances lives in Portland, Oregon, with her husband and son.