Cover Photo: This photograph of the author's grandmother shows her standing in the grass in front of a lake, holding a newspaper and reading it with a smile on her face. The light is yellowy, like it often is in old color photographs
Photograph courtesy of the author

The Only Reader Who Matters

Caroline Shannon Karasik reckons with various craft advice, including “write for no one,” when she’s always hoped to one day share her book with her grandmother.

had I want to do this

My grandma. My grandma.

Reddit forum

Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within

Mitali Perkins

a target audienceSteal Like an Artist

Write what you know. Show don’t tell.whofor

And yet, and yet, and yet.The Incendiariesa solid case against killing your darlings for Catapult.don’t forget to tell, tell, tell

On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft

Toni Morrison has said

Caroline Shannon Karasik’s work has appeared in The Cut, Tonic, Narratively, and other publications. She is currently an instructor at Catapult and an MFA candidate in Antioch University’s creative writing program. Caroline lives in Pittsburgh. You can find her on Instagram @carolineshannonkarasik and Twitter @CSKarasik. Her website is