Cover Photo: A photograph of Natalie Eve Garrett, a dark-haired woman in a white blouse, against a dark background on the right side. On the left is the bright green cover of the anthology THE LONELY STORIES against a pink background.
Author photograph by Tim Coburn

Natalie Eve Garrett Wants Us to Feel Loneliness Without Shame

In this interview, Tajja Isen talks with Natalie Eve Garrett about her new anthology ‘The Lonely Stories,’ the longing for solitude, and how books can build community.

Eat Joy: Stories & Comfort Food from 31 Celebrated Writers The Artists’ and Writers’ Cookbook The Lonely Stories


The Artists’ and Writers’ Cookbook Eat JoyThe Lonely Stories

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writers writers about

Eat Joy

Tajja Isen (@tajjaisen) is the editor-in-chief of Catapult. Her first book, Some of My Best Friends: Essays on Lip Service, was published in April 2022.