Online | Open-Genre | Workshop

6-Week Online Open-Genre Workshop: Writing Daily & Newly

This generative class reconciles your writing with your writing practice by providing a framework and community in which you will write every day. Which structures and sensibilities do you notice when you write consistently, in regard to both themes in the work and patterns around your creation of it? What griefs, solipsisms, and hopes repeat or retract? How does language shape reality given the constraints, and where does memory collapse time or imagine worlds? To what extent do different modes of reading and writing encourage precision and play?

In our meetings, we'll write to a series of prompts and share, discuss writing processes, and reflect on our weekly (light) readings—from writers including Audre Lorde, Etheridge Knight, and Diana Khoi Nguyen—relevant to our goals. For the four middle weeks, we will also read and give more extensive feedback on one piece per writer. Everyone will have the chance to choose and share work. During our time together, we will write into and through ideas of the self and the other, home and nature, and their abundant interactions. Writers of all experiences, goals, and genres are welcome!

Class meetings will be held over video chat, using Zoom accessed from your private class page. While you can use Zoom from your browser, we recommend downloading the desktop client so you have access to all platform features.


- Expand the writing practice in form, voice, and structure

- Generate a new body of work, including daily writing and one workshopped piece

- Receive thorough feedback on at least one developed work

- 10% discount on all future Catapult classes


You will aim to write for at least 15 minutes every day for the duration of the class, but each week various prompts will be available so you can create a flexible practice that works with your schedule. To support your writing throughout the week, there will also be a short selection of published work (5-15 pages) assigned and discussed every week. You will also read a piece from each writer in the course once over the six weeks and prepare to give in-class verbal feedback (not written), and receive live feedback when you workshop your piece. For your workshop, you can turn in up to five pages of poetry or up to 15 pages of prose, and prose should be double-spaced with standard font and margins (e.g. Times New Roman, 12 pt, 1 inch).


Week 1: Why We Write (welcome)

Week 2: Art and Catharsis (with workshop)

Week 3: I and You (with workshop)

Week 4: Structures and Skeletons (with workshop)

Week 5: Creativity and Exceptionalism (with workshop)

Week 6: Orbits and Buds (closing) 


"The readings were tightly organized and the writing prompts were very generative."

former student

"The class was excellent, and stretched me in all the best ways as a writer."

former student

"The atmosphere Cindy created was kind, the exercises were stimulating, and feedback was truly generous."

former student