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6-Week Online Fiction Workshop: Writing the Young Adult Novel

“Working with Lilliam Rivera was one of the most educational and helpful experiences I’ve had with an editor... Not only did my book become a better manuscript but I became a better writer by working with her.” – former student

The Outsiders. Harry Potter. The Hate U Give. Walk into any bookstore and you will find an exciting array of young adult fiction that covers every genre—from contemporary stories tackling social justice themes to science fiction bringing other worlds to life. If you’ve ever wanted to write a novel through the perspective of a young person, this is the workshop for you. This workshop will break down the mystery of writing young adult, from capturing the young protagonist voice to writing realistic dialogue. We will study excerpts from young adult authors and complete writing exercises meant to generate work for the start of our novels.

By the end of the course, each student will have up to two chapters of an original young adult novel and an outline on their novel-in-progress.

*the final live chat will take place on Monday, August 13th. The rest of the class meetings will take place on Tuesdays.

Lilliam Rivera

Lilliam Rivera is an award-winning writer and author of the young adult novels DEALING IN DREAMS, forthcoming from Simon & Schuster on March 5, 2019,  and THE EDUCATION OF MARGOT SANCHEZ, available now in bookstores everywhere. THE EDUCATION OF MARGOT SANCHEZ  was nominated for a 2019 Rhode Island Teen Book Award, a 2017 Best Fiction for Young Adult Fiction by the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA), and has been featured on NPR, New York Times Book Review, New York magazine,, and Teen Vogue, among others. Lilliam is a 2016 Pushcart Prize winner and lives in Los Angeles.


“All the elements of a classic teenage drama are in effect—the infuriating parents, the party that could make or break a tenuous high school life, romantic prospects. But Rivera's book also explores further terrain: race, class, and identity.”


“There’s plenty of room for Rivera’s honest and heartwarming portrayal of Margot.”


“[A]n emotional story about class, race, hard work, and finding one’s place.”


“Over the years, when I've needed a keen eye to review my work, Lilliam has always provided spot-on insights and feedback. She is an incredibly gifted writer dedicated to the craft and helping others discover what's at the heart of their stories. I highly recommend her class.” 

former student

“Working with Lilliam Rivera was one of the most educational and helpful experiences I’ve had with an editor. She astutely read my manuscript as well as encouraged me to think critically about my own writing choices by asking questions and, when needed, offering possible solutions. Not only did my book become a better manuscript but I became a better writer by working with her.”

former student