Publishing | Seminar

3-Hour Publishing Seminar: Building a Sustainable Business Model for Your Writing Career

Money is often a taboo subject for writers, but if you want your writing to be a long-term, sustainable activity—or a living wage—then it's necessary to consider the business model that will support your art. Whether you choose to work a day job, or focus on how to market and sell your work for top dollar, we'll discuss how early-career writers can be clear-eyed and strategic about developing revenue streams and a business model best suited to their personality, their writing, and their career expectations.

This seminar will help you:

- Understand how and when to work for “exposure” versus cash, with principles and techniques for building your platform and visibility

- Employ best practices for your author website, online writing (or blogging), email, and social media, to better reach and engage readers and influencers

- Strategically use combinations of sponsorship/advertising, patronage, and digital subscriptions that can support both artistic and more commercial writing efforts

Before the arrival of the Internet, writers had few options for making a living that didn’t involve working with a publisher or selling more books. Today, there are so many potential paths that career-oriented writers with an open mind can find a sustainable direction and one that best suits their strengths—whether they are an introvert, extrovert, or some combination thereof. We’ll discuss how you can excel in today’s digitally powered publishing environment, and help you sort through various strategies, tools, and opportunities available. By the end, you’ll be able to identify the path that’s right for you.


- Understand how and when to work for “exposure” versus cash, with principles and techniques for building your platform and visibility

- Employ best practices for your author website, online writing (or blogging), email, and social media, to better reach and engage readers and influencers

- Strategically use combinations of sponsorship/advertising, patronage, and digital subscriptions that can support both artistic and commercial writing efforts

- Access to Catapult's list of writing opportunities and important submission deadlines, as well as a 10% discount on all future Catapult classes

Jane Friedman

Jane Friedman has 20 years of experience in the publishing industry and has held editorial positions at F+W Media and the Virginia Quarterly Review. Her newest book is The Business of Being a Writer; Publishers Weekly wrote that it is "destined to become a staple reference book for writers and those interested in publishing careers." Jane has spoken worldwide at events such as The Muse & The Marketplace, Frankfurt Book Fair, and Book Expo. She's served on panels for the NEA and has been a professor at the University of Cincinnati and University of Virginia. Find out more at


"Friedman’s in-depth knowledge of online platforms and publishing is clear as she discusses their benefits and pitfalls. [THE BUSINESS OF BEING A WRITER] is destined to become a staple reference book for writers and those interested in publishing careers."

Publishers Weekly

"THE BUSINESS OF BEING A WRITER provides lucent, sage advice on setting realistic goals toward shaping a rewarding career, going well beyond simply achieving publication or getting an agent. At last, a single book to recommend to writers peering into the vast labyrinth of how to become a successful, professional writer. Thank you, Jane!”

Jeffrey Lependorf CLMP

“Every writer needs tough love. Typically that’s delivered by your editor as you’re writing the book. But where’s the tough love once your book is ready for the world? Jane Friedman’s got the goods for you. No one will better help you understand the challenges ahead; no one will offer a more comprehensive approach to scaling the walls.”

Richard Nash Cursor

"Throughout the year, I listen to a lot of authors, writers, teachers, and publishers talk about the current state of writing and publishing, too often hearing something like: "Sure, go ahead and write, but don’t get your hopes up. …" Jane’s message is very different. … After listening to her explain the current state of publishing, writing, and connecting, you could feel a lively energy buzz around the room, and uplifting of creativity, a juicy excitement about what we are all doing."

Linda Joy Myers

"We feel like we've been stumbling around in the dark for too long and your advice feels like someone turned on a light in the distance to give us a direction to walk. The feeling is one of liberation to have fresh ideas to explore and we're relishing the opportunity. Thank you for all you've done to free up a block that has been existing in our author business for too long. We have a direction and are charging forward with pens and megaphones in hand."

Warren & Betsy Talbot

"I just wanted to express my gratitude and appreciation for your keynote at the EFA Conference. I keep thinking back to how well you set the tone of the conference. I've been very nervous about things like self-promotion, logistics, and being able to talk about my business as a business, and you both provided great grounds for me to feel good about acknowledging my work as work and also included some really solid advice about how to go about that work. I've been reviewing my notes from your presentation, and I really believe that your keynote will help me to skip months or even years of mindset-based mistakes."

Frank Cernik Scoria Press