Cover Photo: This header image shows three polaroid pictures splayed across a bright yellow background. In one, three people stand laughing with their arms around each other. In another, a young girl leans against a family member as he cradles a rabbit. In the last, we see the author's biological mother and father standing next to each other in a kitchen.
Photographs courtesy of the author

The Price of Admission for Fat Bodies

Anyone who has lost and subsequently gained weight back can tell you that you will be treated differently in real, material ways. The difference is at once alluring and painful.


wantFeministingShapely Prose



ReallyThe Last UnicornSesame Street


“Bigger Is Better”“Two Hundred Pounds of Fun.”



feelgoodAubrey GordonDa’Shaun L. HarrisonShoog McDanielSonalee Rashatwar

Molly M. Pearson (any pronoun), is a writer, educator, and organizer based in St. Louis, Missouri. Her work explores sex, identity, aging, illness, community, and the risks we take to survive and make life worth living. More of her writing can be found at TheBody, Out in STL, The New Territory Magazine, and elsewhere. She implores us all to listen to our elders. Instagram/Twitter: @MollyMPearson