Cover Photo: illustration of a person with long black hair leaning backward, grasping a peach they are about to bite into
Illustration by Shing Yin Khor for Catapult

Stone Fruit Season: A Comic

Yes, I dared to eat a peach. And I had to live, so I could eat another.

This is, a column in which Shing Yin Khor explores icons, roadside attractions, and various objects of Americana as part of their effort to find and assert their place as an immigrant within this countrys mythos.

Shing Yin Khor is a cartoonist and installation artist exploring collections, memory, immigrant identity, and new human rituals. They founded the immersive installation art group Three Eyed Rat, which has built large-scale space desert apothecaries, decrepit space salvage stations in the forest, and lumberjack-themed bars.