Cover Photo: A photograph of a big white clapboard house inside a white frame. The frame is lying on slats of wood, painted white, with a small leaf on the wood next to the frame.
Photographs courtesy of the author and by Angèle Kamp/Unsplash

Buying a Starter Home at the End of the World

I knew there was nothing natural about my homeownership. I had merely found a lucky loophole in the midst of tremendous misfortune.

This is Unreal Estates, a column  by Beth Boyle Machlan on American mythologies of home and housing.

SentinelLittle White Houses: How the Postwar Home Constructed Race in America

Race For Profit: How Banks and the Real Estate Industry Undermined Black Home Ownership


Beth Boyle Machlan is a writer and teacher who lives in Brooklyn. She's working on a book of essays about real estate, identity, and desire. Her essays have appeared on Avidly, River Teeth, Guernica, The Rumpus, The Awl, and the New York Times. She yells about writing, teaching, her pets, and hockey at @bethmachlan.