Cover Photo: Photograph by Victor Camilo/Flickr
Photograph by Victor Camilo/Flickr

Finding Home in Ten Days in Goiânia, Brazil

At home, in Goiânia, I didn’t have to be Brazilian; I could just be me.

These are the kind of trees they have here. This is how the water tastes, how the street smells. This is what home is—if there is a home for me, it’s this, it’s here.


advance parole

Is this enough rice? Does this dress make sense for our walk to the ice cream shop?

Is Mark eating enough? Does he need to take a nap? Someone go translate for Mark because he’s looking confused.

branquelofeijão branco

If you need to buy something, just go to the shop down the street! Why does everything have to be so shiny?

This must be what it feels like to be white.


Aline Mello is a Brazilian writer and editor. She is an Undocupoet fellow and a graduate fellow at the Ohio State University MFA in poetry. Her debut collection More Salt Than Diamond comes out on March 1st, 2022 from Andrews McMeel.