Nawaaz Ahmed

Profile Photo

Nawaaz Ahmed is a transplant from Tamil Nadu, India. Before turning to writing, he was a computer scientist, researching search algorithms for Yahoo. He holds an MFA from University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and is the winner of several Hopwood awards. He is the recipient of residencies at MacDowell, VCCA, Yaddo, and Djerassi. He is a former Kundiman and Lambda Literary Fellow. His first novel "Radiant Fugitives” is forthcoming in August 2021 from Counterpoint Press. He currently lives in Brooklyn.


Cover Photo: Photograph of bookshelves with a desk integrated into the shelving system, featuring a monitor and other computer paraphernalia
Where Nawaaz Ahmed Writes

The space that anchored me through a year of the pandemic, a safe harbor, feels too claustrophobic now. I crave to be outside.

Aug 02, 2021