Gabrielle Bates

Profile Photo

Gabrielle Bates is the author of the poetry collection Judas Goat (Tin House, 2023). Originally from Birmingham, Alabama, she currently works for Seattle's poetry-only bookstore Open Books: A Poem Emporium and co-hosts the podcast The Poet Salon. Her work can be found in the New Yorker, Poetry, Ploughshares, American Poetry Review, and elsewhere. / Twitter: @GabrielleBates


Cover Photo: There is a color photograph from above of a beautiful messy desk. The desk is warm wood and covered with books, flowers in vases, petals, candles, notebooks, pens, perfume, matches, and a mug. At the center of the desk is a laptop.
Everything in Arm’s Reach

For the vast majority of the last few years, my life has spatially collapsed to one desk in one room in one apartment with one view. Sometimes it feels like too much life for one piece of furniture and a few windows to hold.

Jul 13, 2022
Cover Photo: Illustration by Sirin Thada for Catapult
Time Lapse

In a time lapse, nothing happens smoothly. / Red horns quake as they splinter / from limbs on the bottlebrush.

Mar 12, 2021