
Wearing My Grief On My Sleeve

And somewhere in there, as my hands ached from the work, I began to grieve

Feb 07, 2023
How Watching 'Supermarket Sweep' Gives Me Hope After Loss

Supermarket Sweep is what gets me the closest, catapulting me back to a time when we were alive, together.

May 17, 2022
A Family History of Fear

I got a D in math and my sister got cancer. These aren’t causalities, only things that happened one right after the other.

We’re the Last Good Girls Alive

Who will remember a girl’s pain when the evidence disappears?

Mar 24, 2022
Skateboarding Gave Me a Way to Express My Grief

Yes, this system is imperfect. It took years—and the privilege of professional help—before I’d learn to articulate my grief in words.

Oct 21, 2021
After Sitting Shiva in the Pandemic, What Comes Next?

The grief of the pandemic era is ongoing. What happens if everyone is sitting shiva at once?

Sep 22, 2021
Inheriting My Mother’s Body

Twenty years after the not-cancer, my mother died of cancer. Maybe that’s why when they tell me it’s a fibroid I’m so afraid.

Aug 30, 2021
Beverly Cleary Taught Me How to Share My Divorce Story

I had tried to show the world that I was resilient, never fallible, but my unwillingness to deal with my sadness and anger was hurting me and my daughter.

Aug 25, 2021
Jewish Comedy as a Love Language

It’s hard to say what about it is more charming to me, the hilarity of it or the inescapable Jewishness of it. Mel Brooks could be any man in my family.

Dec 15, 2020
The Thrill and Grief of Being a Singlehanded Sailor

I still wonder, what is the right amount of time to grieve?

Nov 24, 2020
Three Generations of Elizabeths, Breast Cancer, and Self-Preservation

When your maternal grandmother dies from breast cancer, there’s this strange intersection between her health and your mother’s health and yours.

Oct 05, 2020
To Grieve, We Began a Book Club for Two

Our first book club discussion was a learning experience.

Aug 31, 2020
As Mourning Rituals Change, What Comes Next?

When my grandmother died, she didn't want a funeral. She did have thoughts about what we should do with her ashes.

Jul 06, 2020
Dying in America, or How to Become Completely Invisible

There is no guidebook or set of rules for us to follow; there is no concrete “American” etiquette around death.

I Want My Mommy and I’m Glad She’s Not Alive for Covid-19

I wish I could talk to my mom about the irony that, forty years later, shelves are being ransacked and we are standing in lines to buy bread.

Apr 23, 2020
All That Is Lost and All That Is Remembered

Naz Riahi reflects on how the violent death of her father when she was a young girl impacted the rest of her life

Apr 01, 2020
All That I Can’t Carry

The life of my Lolo and my family in the Philippines is a deep reminder that people live full lives there and places like it, across the globe.

Mar 30, 2020
My Father Lives in Me: On the Lion King, Grief, and Resemblance

“My father, was alive, in me—in my reflection, in my voice, in my posture.”

Dec 04, 2019
You Were Never Home for Long

On Friday, April 22, 2016, three months after my brother’s third release from S. Wilder Youth Development Center, he was rushed to the ER after being shot in the heart.