Cover Photo: This photograph is of a red barn with a startling blue sky, almost teal, behind it. There are some wispy clouds with tones of purple and yellow, as if the sun is beginning to set. The barn sits on a dirt field and the low hills behind the barn are brown and dry.
Photograph by sawyer/Unsplash

Writing the Senses: Sight

In this five-part column, Hannah Howard explores the senses from a craft perspective

Don’t judge a book by its cover.

Beauty is only skin-deep.

Love is blind.


Where the Wild Things AreHow did I get so lucky?

Where the Wild Things Are

Hannah Howard is the author of the memoir Feast: True Love in and Out of the Kitchen and the forthcoming book Plenty: A Memoir of Food and Family. She is a graduate of Columbia University and the Bennington Writing Seminars. Hannah writes for SELF, New York Magazine, and, and lives in New York City.