Amy Brady

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Amy Brady is the Deputy Publisher of Guernica magazine and the Senior Editor of the Chicago Review of Books, where she writes a monthly column about climate fiction. Her writing has appeared in the Los Angeles Times, the Dallas Morning News, Sierra, Pacific Standard, the New Republic, the Village Voice, the Cambridge Companion to Working-Class Literature, and elsewhere. She holds a PhD in literature from the University of Massachusetts Amherst and was a recipient of a CLIR/Mellon Library of Congress Fellowship.


Cover Photo: An image of cars parked along the side of a road with mountains in the distance
The American Road Song Is Changing with the Climate

It’s not just a single driver who’s lost direction and seeks a new destination—it’s an entire population.

Feb 04, 2021
Cover Photo: An image of a fictionalize Mars where rivers run. through the lands and the sky is blue. Futuristic structures are on the plant and two orange, martian-looking being sit on the side.
‘The Martian Chronicles’ Made Climate Change Visible

Climate change can often seem invisible, because at base, it’s a physics problem.

Apr 30, 2020
Cover Photo: An image of the Star Trek: The Original Series' cast
‘Star Trek’ Failed to Reckon with Our Greatest Threat: Climate Change

Humanity appears to have succeeded at solving the climate crisis and eliminating capitalism. But how? And at what cost?

Feb 06, 2020
Cover Photo: An image of the iconic Abbey Road album in which all the Beatles cross the street
“Here Comes the Sun” Was an Anthem of Hope, Now It’s a Reminder of Climate Change

Every day, as news reports about climate change become more threatening, I grow more nostalgic for the places and objects of my childhood that feel increasingly imperiled.

Jan 09, 2020
Cover Photo: Illustration by Isabelle Laureta for Catapult
Encountering Beauty and the Effects of Climate Change in Acadia National Park

As a child growing up in a landlocked state, I’d imagined the flock of gulls as a cloud of wings, calls sounding like laughter. Now I was struggling to grasp all that we’d lost.

Nov 06, 2018