Akanksha Singh

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Akanksha Singh is a journalist and writer based in Mumbai, where she covers travel, culture, and social justice. She has previously written for the BBC, CNN, HuffPost, and more. Follow her on Twitter @akankshamsingh and read her work at akanksha-singh.com.


Cover Photo: On the left is a headshot of the author Matthew Salesses. On the right is the cover of his new novel, THE SENSE OF WONDER.
Matthew Salesses Believes Being Better People Makes Us Better Writers

Akanksha Singh interviews Matthew Salesses about his new novel “The Sense of Wonder,” decolonizing storytelling, and what K-dramas can teach us about plot.

Feb 02, 2023
Cover Photo: On the left is a headshot of Andrew Sean Greer, a man smiling at the camera and wearing a blue sweater against a backdrop of greenery. On the right is the cover of his novel LESS IS LOST, which depicts a man in a suit jacket and overalls. He is standing in a cornfield and holding a pitchfork.
Andrew Sean Greer Is Challenging the “Great American Novel”

Akanksha Singh interviews Andrew Sean Greer about his new novel “Less Is Lost,” finding humor in uncomfortable topics, and the pleasures of a fairytale ending.

Nov 15, 2022
Cover Photo: On the left is the cover of the novel AMERICAN FEVER, a bright blue book depicting a stylized illustration of a woman's face, against a textured pink background. On the right is a headshot of the writer Dur E Aziz Amna. She is wearing a black shirt and has her arms crossed over her chest.
Dur e Aziz Amna Is Adding Something Different to the Canon

Akanksha Singh interviews Dur e Aziz Amna about her novel ‘American Fever,’ the burdens of representation, and performing for the dominant culture.

Aug 25, 2022
Cover Photo: An image of someone watching the news
Journalism and Literature Need to Make Room for “Unfamiliar” Stories

To refresh our sense of empathy we have to expose ourselves to other perspectives. In the news, in literature, in life.

Aug 16, 2022
Cover Photo: This image shows a hand reaching out over white-capped waves to a pair of hands, reaching into the air as if asking for help. It looks as if the painting was perhaps painted on a wall, as the texture of the background is rough  and adds to the emotion of the image.
Journalism Taught Me to Ask for Help

As a journalist, I’ve learned that isolation is damning—something I don’t think the writer in me fully recognizes.

Jun 15, 2021
Cover Photo: An image of the interview subject, a smiling man with a distinguished mustache
Muchhadji Has Achieved the Bombay Dream—I’m Still Working on It

Most paanwalas sell loose cigarettes. I don’t smoke often, but when I do, I buy one or two. I never buy them from Muchhad.

Feb 03, 2020